Make3D - 2024/25

Marlin 2.0

Marlin is the world’s most popular 3D printer firmware.
It’s also free and open-source.

Marlin supports both 8- and 32-bit 3D printer mainboards while still being able to run complex and an ever-increasing amount of features. For the Ender 3, it has a basic pre-configured configuration file that will upload straight to the printer motherboard if it has a bootloader.

However, for an experienced tinkerer, Marlin offers a vast array of functions for the Ender 3. Just be mindful that with a stock motherboard, the machine only has 1,284 bits of memory so if you want to add several additional functions, you might have to disable some basic features to save room.

Helpful functions of the Marlin firmware include capabilities to add auto-leveling and a filament runout sensor. Additionally, the PID (proportional integral derivative controlled) bed and hot-end calibration can be added that use software to calibrate how much energy is needed to heat the bed or hot end.

Another feature that Marlin has recently added is linear advance, which allows users to calibrate the pressure in the hot end to regulate blobbing on the corners of printed parts.

On the whole, Marlin is a highly sophisticated piece of software with almost unlimited capacities to help your printer work and it is a fine option for both the amateur tinkerer and the experienced engineer alike.

If you’re new to this popular firmware, check out our article on how to get started with Marlin.